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Hubby Got Promoted!!!

February 9th, 2013 at 04:55 pm

The day we have been waiting for all year is finally here! Many of you pointed out previously that in the future we should probably not count so many of our eggs before they hatch so to speak. And yes, I know what you mean. I tend to always be about 5 years ahead of myself. That works well for some things in life, though not for others. This one was particularly hard because we *thought* this promotion was going to happen last year. His boss had suggested as much. Then we came to find that the company likes to get new managers feet wet for a year by giving them most of the new duties they will have, without the pay increase until the following year, after they see how it goes.

I get the logic that they don't want to end up promoting people who aren't going to be a good fit for management. But man that was an annoying year. We had thought it was already in the bag. And Hubby worked his butt off and understandably felt uncompensated for it. But no more! He broke the six figure income ceiling in fact! Well, more like scuffed it: he's getting exactly $100K now. But he also got a sweet $8000 bonus, though that'll be about $5100 once taxes get pulled out. Additionally, he gets an office and a garage parking spot. And he will now be eligible for even larger bonuses going forward. Possibly as much as 15% if he keeps "exceeding expectations".

But okay, okay, let's not go there yet. Let's let next years chickens come next year. How 'bout them eggs this year though! Wink We should be getting the bonus check next week. And once we do, CC#1 and #2 that you see on the side bar there should finally be gone! And just in time too, one of our balance txfr promotions is about to expire.

It may seem like a simple thing to send in a big check like this to a credit card that needs paying, but for us, this in and of itself is a debt victory. We were never disciplined enough to make that much headway before. We *might* have ended up paying off the smaller of the two. But we certainly wouldn't have knocked out that second one also (with some spare to throw at the third as well). So this is a big money management win for us.

Additionally, we should start seeing about $250 more each paycheck after taxes, and that will certainly help as well. Credit Card Free 2013, here we come!

4 Responses to “Hubby Got Promoted!!!”

  1. wowitsawonderfullife Says:


  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats to your hubby for a job well done! And I love that you have plans to get the debt paid off with the bonus. Good thinking. Smile

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    That's a great thing to do with the bonus. You also need to make plans for that extra income with the raise. You don't want it getting absorbed into your day to day living. I would either send it all to debt or send 3/4 to debt and 1/4 to start building the Emergency Fund beyond $1000.

  4. Jerry Says:

    Congratulations, that is great news! Better late than never, definitely, and it's nice to have some insurance that you were right about the promotion all along. Even better, it sounds like this could lead to a whole lot more than just a raise in salary. What a nice way to start the new year!

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