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December 27th, 2012 at 02:31 am
Well, we managed to get through Dec., the month I projected to be the tightest in our near future, with less financial distress than anticipated. The new side work hobby and I both had come in helped a lot. Jan. will still be a little tight, but without Xmas (and hopefully not another $1000 car repair), certainly much easier. And then come Feb we should finally be able to start making some real headway of this credit card/car loan debt. Can't wait to knock the first of those cards to the ground! Assuming we don't jump off a national fiscal cliff for more than a week or so. I predict a deal within 2 weeks from today. Who's with me?
I got a lot of great tips for cutting Christmas expenses in my blog comments. Unfortunately, the posts they referred to were old (from my old blog) and by the time I received them, we had already purchased everything but for the stockings. We did manage to keep within the budget we allotted ourselves though. And we also managed to temper costs a little by purposely asking family members who wanted gift suggestions for items that would have normally come out of the miscellaneous budget. So hubby got a not very exciting, but quite practical and needed belt, while I got sports bra and dust proof pillow cases (among other more fun things as well), and we were both pretty happy with it.
So strange to remember that as recently as 4 years ago, we were still willing to break out the credit cards for Christmas purchases this time of year, citing plans to pay it off "some time later". The idea of going further into to debt for something so non-essential is incredibly disturbing to me now. I am not entirely sure when this point of view changed for me but I am glad to realize it has. Now I just need to work more on better prioritizing the spending of money I do have as well.
As for our tapped out emergency fund...I don't want to get too ahead of myself given that the end of the month is still a few days away. I feel like this just invites disaster to come. But I *think*, that maybe, just possibly, if luck continues to shine upon us, we will be able to put about $650 back into it next week. And I feel fairly confident (but in a not at all cocky way fairies of fate!) that we will be able to put the remaining $350 back in by the end of Jan. as well. And once that's out of the way we are back to baby step 2 again! (Please forgive my paranoid ravings. There's just been too many bad turns of late.)
I'm interested to see what our grocery bill will be this week as well given it will be our first shopping trip at our superstore instead of the grocery delivery service. And given that I have put on at least 3 lbs in Xmas cookies alone over the past two weeks, perhaps we should go light on supplies this coming week anyways. Though not until after the annual family fondue dinner next week! Gosh I love the food this time of year.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!
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Credit Cards,
Food / Groceries,
Saving Money,
December 23rd, 2012 at 04:22 am
This past week, I spent most of my free time either physically shopping for groceries (or xmas), comparison shopping for groceries, or entering data about my comparison shopping into a spread sheet. I swear, besides taking care of two sick kids and eating way too many Christmas cookies, that's ALL I did. I may have piles of boxes downstairs left to wrap for the kids, but I have grocery price data compiled for you dear readers!
I won't bore you all to tears though by listing things like the price of bananas and greek yogurt at 3 different stores. Instead, I'll just tell you the bottom line. We could reduce our weekly grocery bill by about 30% if we stop getting our groceries delivered. Thirty. Percent. That is a weekly savings of almost $50 or around $200/month. Or in other words, this single act alone would move us from the USDA's Text is http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/FoodPlans/2012/CostofFoodJan2012.pdf and Link is http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/FoodPlans/2012/CostofF... liberal to moderate food cost budget (a previously stated goal of mine). Sigh. And now what to do with this new knowledge?
I must admit, I knew we were paying a premium for our grocery delivery service. I figured the convenience cost was probably around 10-15%, and my husband and I both felt that with twins boys under the age of 3, that extra cost was worth it. But looking at the numbers, it is clear now that it is costing us at least double, possibly triple what we had assumed. And I hate to even think about how much more than that it was costing us before we started using our discount warehouse store for frozen and non-perishable items. Holy. Crap.
The idea of adding another hour to hour and a half of shopping into my week makes me want to gag though. I loath shopping, especially for something boring like groceries. But 30% is just too much. In fact, the amount that we could save by me spending that extra time each week is roughly equivalent to the amount I would make if I put that much extra time into my home business. So if it pays as well as what I do for a living pays anyway, how could it not be worth it?
I still, however, can not wrap my head around the idea of bringing twin toddler boys with me during these weekly expeditions. I know some people do manage this somehow. If it were the difference between me eating or not I suppose I would too...maybe. If they were aged 3 and 1, where one could be in the child seat while the other held on to the cart, I think it could work. Or if they were even just a little older, 3 instead of 2, so that I could trust them to stay next to me instead of both running in opposite directions at the same time (or just plain sitting down and refusing to move anywhere), then it might work. But right now, they no longer both fit in the seat and they do NOT stay by the cart. It takes forever to dig one of those double seater carts they never have enough of out of the cart return bins (all the while blocking traffic) and its almost impossible to push them through the snow anyways. Our discount warehouse store has huge, two child cart seats that I love, and that I do manage with the boys occasionally. But these new weekly trips at the local super store - not possible yet.
Hubby, however, after looking over the numbers, has agreed to watch them for me on the weekends while I go. Normally this is the absolute last way I would like to be spending our precious family and personal down time on the weekends. But we have almost no money allotted for family outings during this year of debt reduction anyways, and the boys right now are at the age where during the winter they are almost as often sick as not, so many weeks (like this one) we can't do anything anyways. And by this time next year when we're out of this mess, I might finally be able to trust them to stay by the cart and hold mommy's hand.
So thank you everyone for this kick in the pants I needed to come to this difficult decision. It will probably save us over $2500 this coming year, and that gets us to our debt goal all the sooner.
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Food / Groceries,
Saving Money,
December 13th, 2012 at 07:36 pm
(Last old entry!)
I haven't posted our month's end update yet because our financial situation this past week has been so in flux. In a recent post I talked a bit about hoping our Xmas shortfall might "magically" fix itself. And believe it or not, we actually have had a fair bit of good fortune magic come our way recently in terms of income.
Hubby's writing/website management hobby is really taking off! He's just landed a new deal that should pay a minimum of $300/month starting next week, and possibly up to $500 or more. And that's in addition to the $220 he was already making through another deal, plus some smaller bits on the side. All together that is more than enough to make up for the back pay child support that is now ending (last check tomorrow!) and also enough to bridge the income gap we were expecting for Dec/Jan.
Additionally, I've had a little bit of work come my way as well! My worse case budget scenario was assuming I would continue to have only about $140/month of income (that used to be more like $600). For at least Dec/Jan though, I think I can count on that being around $400 instead, so that's another extra $260 that also kind of feels like it just magically appeared in time for Christmas.
Were in not for the car repair that suddenly fell into our laps as well then, we would probably feel we were raking in the dough. But alas, this was no ordinary car repair. This was a $992 doosey. I'm not even sure we've paid that much for a car repair before. Usually when the repairs start getting that expensive and close together, the car is old enough that we decide its probably not worth it and time for a newer one instead. But this is hubby's car and we are still making car payments on it as it is. It's also the newer of our two vehicles and therefore not allowed to reach the end of its life first!
Anyways, that completely cleaned out the emergency fund. All but $10.17. So that's a little scary. Cause it's a good two and a half months until tax rebate season. Additionally, our discretionary account has only $4.81 in it, while even our fixed checking, which we use for things like the mortgage, has only $728.42. Not cool. Luckily, hubby gets paid tomorrow, though there are still lots more gifts to get. I should point out here that the order these fluctuations came in as was: my income increase (Oh, good, that will help a little), then the car (Oh, f**k. We're screwed again.), then hubby's income increase (Woo hoooo!!! We're saved!). It's been a long week.
We ended last month with about $260 surplus, which we would have liked to use to pay down our credit card debts given that that is the point of this whole thing. Unfortunately, as the month ended, we were projecting a $750 shortfall for Dec./Jan., so I felt I needed to hold on to that extra to help somehow bridge the gap. When my extra income came in, we had high hopes that end of Dec or at least Jan. might afford us some surplus after all. But then the car crapped out, and Dave Ramsey says our first priority now should be going back to baby step 1 to replenish the emergency fund. I'm not quite sure yet where that puts us in terms of catching up again, but it may well be Feb still. In the meantime, we will continue making our roughly $500/month in minimum payments.
More good news; some very preliminary numbers I ran in the newly released 2012 Turbotax seem to predict that we will be getting back around $8000 this year! Holy s**t! I think that's even bigger than when we got our first time home buyer's credit, though I might be wrong about that. We only claimed 4 deductions rather than 5 on hubby's W-4, so as to cancel out my estimated business taxes, but I didn't make very much compared to normal, so it ending up being a lot more withholding than we really needed. Plus, we get some kind of a $2000 education credit for my daughter starting college, since she is still a dependent on our taxes for this year. Yay!! Until the car died, we were considering buying a new fridge with some of that. But at this point, we may just muddle through and try to just get done with this ASAP. Hopefully by next Xmas we'll be on baby step 3!
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Credit Cards,
Personal Finance,
December 13th, 2012 at 07:35 pm
I haven't posted an actual numbers budget here yet, but I figure given how careful we will need to be these next few months, December is a good time to start. Explanations to follow. Here goes:
Hubby's Job (after tax): $5313
Hubby's Hobby Income: $220
My "Job": $120
Child Support Back-pay: $104
Total Income: $5757
Mortgage/Insurance: $1509
Auto Insurance: $73
Credit Card 1: $60
Student Loan: $619
Mozy: $10
Credit Card 2: $42
Gym Membership: $102
Credit Card 3: $119
Auto Loan: $198
Credit Card 4: $78
City Utilities: $82
Cell Phone Service: $151
Natural Gas: $90
Electric: $170
Garbage: $59
Groceries+: $1250
Gasoline: $320
Leaf Removal Service: $150
Misc: $500
Entertainment: $250
Christmas: $600
Total Expenses: $6532
Difference: -$775
Okay, so before my non-existent audience jumps down my neck about a few items on there, allow me to explain myself. First of all, our gym membership. A bit costly, I agree, and that is certainly one of those things they always recommend canceling at the beginning of any big get out of debt plan. But the assumption is usually that you're not using it enough for it to be worth it. And nothing could be farther from the truth in our case. You see, our gym provides 2 free hours of child care per day for stay at home mommies like me to take advantage of and not go crazy. Either my husband or I, and not uncommonly both, take a trip to the gym pretty much Every Single Day. No, I am not exaggerating, and we have both been doing this for over a year now so I'm pretty sure its not a phase. Additionally, since we started going to the gym, we have lost a combined total of over 100 pounds. This has brought both our BMIs into the healthy range and allows us to get a $1200/yr reduction in our health insurance premium costs. And guess what? That pays for the gym. So I think that's a valid expense.
The leaf removal service. Well, all I can say in defense is that my husband spent just about every moment of his weekend free time for a month last year trying to take care of this on his own, and we still did a completely half ass job. With two small boys who cannot be kept contained for any length of time without a fence, (nor kept in the cold that long), we just don't have the time for this right now. An extravagance, yes, but so, so worth it.
To be honest though, this is really an extension of the lawn mowing service we had this past summer. Also something we felt we did not have time for, though not as time consuming as the leaves I'll admit. And we had not yet started our Total Money Makeover then. Not sure what we're going to do about that next lawn season yet. If the boys are at the point where they can be outside with me while I do it, it might be possible again. I am hoping my business will pick up again by then though so that we won't need to feel bad about making that splurge again. Because we loved it and our yard looks so much better now.
One final note, while he does a great job, our lawn guy is horrible with his billing. We haven't yet actually received this leaf removal bill, and I have a feeling I am going to have to remind him he added us to his leaf list. He is a decent guy and I would not want to take advantage of him - but - if he did forget again, I may wait to remind him until late February or so.
Entertainment - that's the allowance hubby and I give ourselves so that we have at least a little fun money. I've actually cut this budget category down quite a bit from what it used to be because we've both been pretty good at cutting it back and we have agreed to let go of date nights out for a year. But if I give hubby any less than what it currently is, he will not be willing to do this anymore. He's struggling as it is. So that's that.
Yes, we have expensive iPhone data plans. All I can say is that we live on them. There was a time not long ago that I felt they were completely unnecessary (hubby likes to remind me of that from time to time). But now, everything from our recipes, to workout routines, to social networking, to downtime gaming is on them and I'm not even sure what I would do without mine anymore. For better or worse, my phone is like an extension of myself at this point. So extravagant or not, we're not getting rid of that. We did cancel our home phone a while back though.
Garbage - just a note that that is for two months worth of service.
Gasoline - This one might be considerably lower. Will depend on whether I need to get my daughter from college at the end of the semester or not. Its amazing how much less we spend on gas than we used to though now that we don't go anywhere! Still figuring out what a good number for it is now.
Groceries+ - as I've mentioned, we're working on it. Also, please note that the plus indicates this category contains other items too. Things like paper towels and tooth paste and really anything we usually buy at the grocery store. (Working on starting to separate out this category). We've started shopping at a discount ware house store every couple weeks for many things, but we're still using our more expensive grocery delivery service for most perishable things, though we have almost halved our bill most weeks with the cost reducing measures we're taking. I think there's more we can do here, but Xmas and having 5 grocery days in Dec. instead of 4 is going to make this month hard. Someday the boys will be big enough to make store shopping feel more doable again too I'm sure, but by then hopefully we'll be out of this mess.
We do have some leftover buffer from this month that will help us out a little with that $773 difference, as well as some other possibilities I've discussed, but its going to be a tough month. Without Xmas in there, Jan should be a little better.
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Food / Groceries,
December 13th, 2012 at 07:31 pm
(Only a couple old ones left...)
So bad news this week. That big job I usually get this time of year that has paid for the last couple Christmases will not be happening this year. Or anymore at all actually; it appears they have gone out of business. And given how much we were counting on it, that is quite a bummer.
The net effect of this is that Dec and Jan are not going to be just tight as I've mentioned, they are going to be negative in terms of cash flow. Even putting off getting the new tires we need, and even adding in the savings we scraped out of this month, I estimate we are still going to be about $500 short by the end of Jan. And given that bonuses and tax returns won't come in until the later half of Feb, the first half of that month is not going to be pretty either. Things have already felt so tight on this Total Money Makeover that it's hard for me to even picture how much more this is going to suck now.
Given all this, and in the spirit of maintaining gazelle intensity for our debts (I mentioned I hated that phrase, right?), it seems we probably should cancel Xmas this year. Or presents at least, that is. In fact, that would simple act alone would about take care of that $500 shortfall we have (so would winning that $500 million Powerball right now, but I digress). But we are not going to do that. Does this mean we are not really serious about our Total Money Makeover? I don't know, perhaps. But I just can't. It would be too sad for me and I think my husband would just lose it. We would lose our drive to do this because it just wouldn't feel worth it anymore. We're going to be smart about it and stick to our budget, but we're going to have Xmas, so tough.
So where is this $500 going to magically appear from then you ask? That's a good question. Cause we do have $1000 sitting in our emergency fund still, but we all know how Dave Ramsey feels about acting as if Xmas is an emergency. Well, one solution is that it might magically appear. Okay, okay, not magically. But so far hubby's side writing hobby has been bringing in a little more money than expected each month. I think its quite possible we could end up with up to $250 more from that then I currently have budgeted. Also, I could get another job through my business (hah!). I mean, probably not this month, but it could happen. At one time, I made over $20K/yr with this little side gig. (Will probably be lucky to hit even $6K this year.)
Other, less magical avenues include the possibility of me getting a very part-time job in the evenings. I'm looking into this and will in fact be putting in an application by the end of the week I hope. Not sure I will do it for any longer than necessary, but I feel I must do something. It just sucks because I will probably make only a quarter as much per hour for my efforts doing that then for my business. But a quarter as much still meets the gap my business is just not producing right now. I really hope that changes again eventually.
If worse comes to worse though and none of those things pan out, I guess we will be tapping into the emergency fund. All I can say in our defense is that I promise we will pay it back in February. Needless to say, there will be no extra credit card/car payments for the next 3 months. Our minimum payments total to almost $500/month though, and our credit cards are all no interest promotions, so as long as we don't use those, we'll still be chipping away at it.
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Credit Cards,
Personal Finance,
December 13th, 2012 at 07:26 pm
I keep trying to find more things we can do, something we must be missing, to make this debt thing go faster. So far, no luck. If anything, the book I checked out from the library recently (did you hear that, the library not the book store) called "Your Money: The Missing Manual" made me feel like we're taking this more seriously than I sometimes feel we are. Consider all these recommended measures we have implemented:
Cancelling cable: As of last week, Check! My husband's company pays for the internet portion of our bill already. And our recent purchase of an Apple tv will pay for itself in less than two months of not paying for cable.
Get rid of home phone: We got rid of our home phone line a couple months ago since we were really only using our cell phones anyways. This has been causing us to use more of our cell phone roll over minutes though, so I'm hoping we won't have to up that eventually.
Cancel monthly subscriptions: To my surprise when we began this, hubby volunteered to cancel his Audible subscription until our debt was paid off and just re listen to old favorites instead. We also cancelled our Netflix a few months ago since we hardly ever used it and I've already decided not to renew Newsweek this coming year. Half the issues never get read anyways.
Make a Unit Price Grocery Spreadsheet: Still working on that but I have started to collect that info and I'm already getting the hang of when something is a good price. I have also learned to...
Use Coupons Wisely: I do not fall for buying things with coupons that a) I wouldn't usually get anyways b) are still more expensive than the store brand or another location. This also meets his suggestion to...
Discard Brand Loyalties: Even for toilet paper, I got over it.
Buy In Bulk - When it Makes Sense: Hello new big box warehouse store membership. Can't believe how much money we've saved there (per unit price at least!) so far.
Waste Not: Finally plugged in the big freezer downstairs again and started labeling and storing all left over canned and other items. I've even started buying things like yogurt in bulk, freezing it before it goes bad and then thawing it as needed. Its a little more liquidy than it would have been but still tastes fine (the boys don't know the difference!).
Shop Less: Not a problem. There's no money anyways and neither hubby or I were ever big shoppers. Probably the biggest success in this area though was when we separated our checking account into discretionary and non-discretionary expenses and then limited ourselves to a budgeted discretionary amount. In theory we were doing that before, but since I didn't track where each individual purchase went, it was hard to know how well we were sticking to it. I still don't always track it that closely. But now, when the discretionary money's gone, its gone. And so that takes care of that.
Replace Light Bulbs w/ Florescent: Done! We even got a Groupon for a home energy checkup a month or so ago in which we also got some weather stripping applied to a couple doors and well as thermometers to check refrigerator/freezer and water heater temps. We would have gotten more but they said we were already doing great on most everything else! Especially considering our gas energy company gave us a rebate to get our attic re-insulated this past summer which has already significantly impacted our energy bills.
Increase/decrease the setting on your programmable thermostat: We haven't made any huge sacrifices here compared to people I hear setting their winter thermostat to 65F or waiting until Halloween to even turn on heat but we have lowered our winter setting from 75F to 72F and raised our summer setting from 72F to 74F. It not much I know, but we do have two year old boys and I don't want them to be too cold or not sleep well. Bedroom space heaters make me nervous with such little ones (and I don't think they could be trusted with them once we switch to "big kid" beds), and we haven't had the money yet to invest in summer ceiling fans.
Play Board Games for Fun: We don't always play board games, but hubby and I have completely let go of our monthly night outs for the next year and turned all our date nights into at home affairs instead. We always make a nice dinner together after the boys are in bed and then talk or watch a movie or something.
So those are all the things we're doing right. Perhaps I will devote my next entry to all the things we could still improve though I worry it will just turn into a big excuse fest!
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Personal Finance,
Saving Money,
December 13th, 2012 at 07:24 pm
(Another old one from Nov)
We're half way though November and so I figured it'd be a good time to check in and see how on track we are. We're doing okay. The highlights:
Shopping: $454/$500
Entertainment: $109/$300
Groceries+ (includes misc things too): $626/$1200
While not included in the total above, we just finished grocery shopping for the week of Thanksgiving and still managed to keep the weekly total within $200 (no big box warehouse visit this week) so that's a good sign! I eventually want to lower the grocery budget a bit, but next month just happens to be another month with 5 grocery days instead of 4, plus Xmas, so I don't think it will be happening that month. Jan. for sure though!
Our shopping budget looks a little sad but it should be clarified that about $120 of that is for the Apple tv and antennae that have allowed us to cancel our cable service as of last Thurs. (Woo hoo!) Still a splurge, but one that will pay for itself within two month. Also, another $214 of it was from hubby's new iPhone 5 splurge, which he got $98 back for by selling his old phone. Though only as an amazon credit so we'll be using that for Xmas rather than credit cards.
The only number of here that really irks me is the entertainment budget. Despite that being the only flexible category we're not over in. What irks me is that hubby and I are each supposed to get $100/month individually do do with as well will ($20/wk), plus another $100 for joint splurges. Its half way though the month so that should be about $50 each individually at this point. Looking over the transactions though, I would say about $8 of that is mine, maybe $30 is joint and the rest is his. And that's just the things that weren't paid with by cash. And I wouldn't say this is atypical. I minded less when we weren't being so serious about this. But despite how pissy he gets sometimes about lack of funds, clearly I am sacrificing more here than he is.
Regardless, these next two months are going to be a lot of sacrifice for both of us. I have only 1 1/2 child support back pay checks left! That is about $500 less a month we are going to have to adjust to during a period when my home business is making about $500 less per month than usual as well. I have one big job that often comes in just before Xmas which I am anxiously waiting to hear on next week. If that doesn't come through though, Xmas is going to be rough this year and we may not be getting new tires for the SUV after all. I may even get a second part-time job soon. Just not sure how to meet the Dec/Jan gap otherwise. Gonna be a rough couple months until the tax return comes in, but we are not giving up!
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Credit Cards,
Food / Groceries,
December 13th, 2012 at 03:59 am
It is sad, but I was actually having trouble sleeping last night due to worrying about grocery day today. I feel doomed to over spending failure. I did finally manage to go one week last week without visiting our discount warehouse store for supplies. (You know, that big box store that's supposed to be saving us money, but so far seems to be costing us more instead due to the bulk amounts.) But it seems like that just means there will be twice as much this week instead, so I'm not that impressed with myself anymore.
Other than our mortgage, groceries is our single biggest monthly expense (followed by my student loan), and I really feel that getting control of our finances is going to require some soul searching in this area. Looking over warehouse store list (20 items!), I would say that close to half these items are things that are going to last us for quite a long time, so perhaps it is once again that we are just still in the bulk up phase. We've been in this phase for a month and a half now then though. And we really need to be out of it by next month because I am projecting Dec and Jan to both be particularly tight. And then I look at the news and see things about food cost increases due to the drought this past summer, and fiscal cliff payroll tax increases, and I just want to scream a throw things. A little help please??
My husband is not much emotional support this week either as he seem to be struggling with it worse than me. I think it is mostly brought on by his job kind of sucking right now. But he got really annoyed the other day when I said he'd need to wait until pay day to get another new charger cord for his new iPhone (of course the old ones are no longer compatible) because we used up all of last paycheck's discretionary budget getting the phone itself. He got annoyed and said that it sucks to work hard all day at a job he doesn't like to make all this money, and yet still not have $20 for a phone cord at the end of the day if he wants one. To which I was like, well we do have enough, if you want to prioritize that over credit card debt, but we can't do both. He grumbled and went downstairs and was moody for the rest of the night even though he said he did think we were doing the right thing.
My thoughts from upstairs were along the lines of, "Come on. You got an iPhone 5 this month. I got an iPhone 4. That's certainly not nothing. And you only need to wait 1 extra day!" He's not normally that whiny (though money issues does seem to be one of his buttons) so I think it's mostly work. And I think it's more generally the idea of not having enough money period that bothers him a lot more than the phone cord specifically. None the less, its hard to feel like a motivated, goal in site, on the ball team when faced with tirades like that. Also had to explain to him this week that planning a meal with beef instead of chicken because that's what we still have in the freezer doesn't actually save us money if we still have either chicken or beef every time in roughly the same ratios. To actually save money, we have to use less meat. He is a smart man. I'm not sure why that was hard for him to hear.
I, personally, have still been feeling quite motivated and very happy that we are working on this. I just wish it were not so mind numbingly slow! I've seen a number of blogs that mention the idea of "snow flaking" your way through your debt snowball. That is, finding lots of small ways to contribute regularly to the total sum. I think I need to look into more ways to do that, because I really need to find more chances to celebrate in what will undoubtedly be a long and somewhat frustrating year. I also need to get more comfortable with throwing this extra money immediately towards debt instead of holding on to it "in case", because it always gets spent that way. For instance, I realized out of the blue the other day that our bank check cards have been racking up points in one of those rewards programs for months (if not years) now. Turned out we had a little over $100 in cash back savings. Half of that went directly towards a credit card, but half of it got used for things like diapers and wipes this week due to funds being low after the phones. Should have just sent it in.
As long as we truly stick to our budget, that extra should still be there at the end of the month to pay then. But we all know what often happens with things like that. And it was mailing in the buffer at the end of last month that caused us to be too short for the phone cord this week, and just look how my husband reacted. Its hard to not want to keep some on hand to avoid situations like that. I think perhaps we need to have a discussion about keeping our state of mind in the right place for each other during this "small account buffer" period of our finances. I know it makes him uneasy, which in turn makes me uneasy, but this is how it's going to be for the next few month if we are going to make any real progress. We need to be each other's cheerleaders more often. We are doing something awesome and very worthwhile!
I wish my next money goal could be getting our grocery bill under a certain amount, but to be honest, until we get done with these initial bulk purchases (maybe this week?) I just don't think I can budget as well as I would like for that yet. One thing I am finally going to bite the bullet on though: a "best" price spreadsheet for groceries. We have up to 5 different stores we get things from at this point (though only 3 main ones) and trying to keep track of which place is best for which thing is driving me crazy, especially when sales come up. Granted, the idea of being the kind of crazy, price checking, coupon clipping, store hopping lady who has a list like that also makes me cringe. But as mentioned before, groceries is really the number one things we need to get a handle on in this house. Something must be done.
I already have two items I'm going to price check at two places before I purchase this week. As well as two coupons I printed and then discarded when I discovered the store brand is cheaper anyway. I did totally fall for a $5 store card with diaper purchase, only to realize as I was getting in my car that they had just marked up their regular diaper price by $5 (Bastards!). Actually, I think that was the very moment I finally accepted that I needed to make this spreadsheet. To redeem myself, I made sure to cut up and freeze the two extra bananas I didn't use after all this week, so that I can use them next week instead. To me, these are the true Baby Steps of Dave Ramsey's process right now. Because the distance between this Baby Step and the next one in the Total Money Makeover book feels more like an Olympic hurdle to me right now. But I am slowly finding small victories in this stage, and there are many milestones yet to come.
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Credit Cards,
Food / Groceries,
December 13th, 2012 at 03:48 am
(From Nov.)
Its the first on the new month! Time to tally up last month and see how far we got! It didn't all go as stellar as I had hoped. But the most important number of everything I can tell you is this: $434.55. We paid $434.55 more this month towards our debt than we would have before we started this money makeover. That is not to say that is all we paid. We actually sent in a total of $935.79 including our minimum payments. Which means we now stand at a total credit card/car debt of $23,725.13.
I'm not gonna pretend that's awesome. But its certainly better. Especially when you consider that, just as I feared, we were hit with a double whammy this month in terms of car issues. Every time something acts up we seem to leave the repair shop down another $350. This month that happened twice, though the second time was a doosey - about $520. This last year we put away some extra money into our emergency fund to use when things like this came up. But being three quarters through the year at this point, we have already burned through most of it. Plus, I wanted to follow Dave Ramsey's advice of not keeping more than $1000 on hand so as to help light a fire under your debt motivation butt. Thus, $159.91 of the extra we paid off this month came from throwing in our "excess" savings.
Additionally, Ramsey makes the point that regular car maintenance and repairs are not really emergencies usually, but rather something you should be budgeting for. Given that out newest car is 8 years old, I'd have to agree with that to some extent. Twice in one month is a bit ridiculous (though it was only once for each car) but Quicken tells me that we spent $2453.88 last year on car repairs/maintenance and we're never really all that surprised when we need to bring in a car for some reason. I think it was a little higher last year given that my daughter's car was at the end of its life and luckily we no longer have that vehicle. Still, I decided that its something we should probably start budgeting for instead of always dipping in to the emergency fund. So I added a line item for it in our budget, which is unfortunately going to push off our debt end date by at least a month. Better to know about it now that be dejected by it later I suppose. And motivation for being able to get newer cars at the other end of all this!
Another thing that makes me feel not too bad about all this is that my Excel spreadsheet shows we actually brought in negative money this month. That's right, we actually had about $1300 less than we needed to cover all our expenses this month, and yet we still managed to reduce our credit card/car debt by 3.8%. Quicken also tells me that on average, we have spent about $1500/month on misc expenses and another $325/month on entertainment expenses this past year. This month though, we cut our misc expenses down to $471 and our entertainment down to $267. That's a 60% reduction, and I feel like it means we are serious about this, despite some hesitations.
It makes me realize as well that though the $1300 short fall probably would have happened no matter what, in previous times we would have just wondered what happened. Not being aware, we certainly would have dug ourselves in even further and made no additional debt progress what so ever. We may have even had to break out a credit card for that second car repair, thus again wiping out a considerable portion of what we paid off in the year leading up to this. Instead, I feel very aware now of just where our money is going and how it tends to get away from us. And we avoided more debt.
Our other biggest expense this month was groceries: a whopping $1700 got spent this way which was even more than the absurdly high $1250 I had initially budgeted for it. I think this will absolutely be lower next month. For one thing, there are only 4 grocery days instead of 5 next month. For another, I am getting better at finding less expensive substitutions and planning some things around what we already have. But mostly, I think we have already stocked up on just about everything possible from the discount wholesale store we have started doing half our grocery shopping at. We started shopping there at the beginning of Oct and it has taken longer than I thought it would to make the switch over. Each time you buy something in bulk, you save on the cost per unit, but you spend even more initially on the cost over all, since you're buying 4 times more. That added up a lot more than I realized it would.
If my home business continues to be sluggish, these next few months until Feb. are going to be hard. Especially come Dec. when my back child support finally ends (though Dec tends to be a good month for my business). That's about $500/month we are going to have to learn to do without. But come Feb, we should get a nice tax return. Then in March my husband's bonus will come, and if all goes as expected, in Apr. he should be getting a nice promotion, which will permanently make up the child support difference. Our goal at this point is still to be done with this step by the end of 2013. And then on to baby step 3!
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Credit Cards,
Food / Groceries,
December 13th, 2012 at 03:30 am
(Another old one...)
This is the very first month of our Total Money Makeover. The very first time I have created a zero dollar budget, and I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised to find out how much wiggle room we have right now, even on the tighter months for my home business. There have certainly been times in my earlier life when there just wasn't enough, period, regardless of how well you spent it. And so to be where I am now, I am very grateful. It also makes me a little disgusted with myself. Laying it all out on paper makes it pretty hard to deny that this is something we could have been making headway on for a while now. We've been pretty good for two years or so about not digging ourselves in any deeper. But we haven't made any real progress on filling the hole. That gaping $327,000 hole I mentioned previously.
When I calculate it all out, even allowing for about $400 of discretionary "fun money", this month we have about $680 extra we could throw towards debt. And actually, given that we used to try to keep a $1000 buffer in our main checking account, we probably have another $700 I could throw towards it if we can handle living more dangerously. This year we even managed to scrape together an emergency fund from our tax return that has lasted us for most of the year. It originally had about $4000 in it, though we are now down to about $1160, with quite a few months to go before refilling. Dave Ramsey says that for "gazelle intensity" we only "need" $1000 though, so that's another $160 I could throw in. And this is in addition to the minimum payment total of about $486/month we make to our credit cards and car loan debts anyways.
I should be elated here. Despite feeling like there is never enough, Dave Ramsey and our zero dollar budget have revealed to us that we actually have about $2025 available this month to throw at our $26,000 credit card/car loan debt problem. We could be down to less than $24,000 in our first month! And I do know just where I will mail it (figuratively speaking with online banking that is) when it comes time. But I feel something much closer to trepidation than elation. What happens when I mail in this check, and a week later our refrigerator dies (not unlikely) or our car breaks down? Okay yes, we would still have a $1000 emergency fund and that would probably cover it. But what if something happens the next month again before we have a chance to replenish it?
I'll tell you exactly what happens, because its happened before. Last Oct./Nov with a flooding issue to be exact. And what happened was that all the hard work of the previous month's extra payments towards credit cards were erased when we had to dig them out again to cover the $1000 insurance deductible, non-covered repairs and appliance replacements. It was incredibly disheartening and it really brought our efforts to a halt for a few months while our bruised egos recovered. I was elated though, when we actually managed to put away quite a bit more than usual the following spring for the next year's "emergencies". And although our emergency fund has now depleted down to barely more than $1000, it has come in handy many a time. Both for car/house issues, as well as the times our budget got away from us a bit due to unplanned circumstances, or yes, an occasional bout of frivolity.
My point is not that we always spent our emergency fund completely wisely. My point is that it was always there when we needed it, and it buffered us from a lot of the financial ups and downs previous years have brought, especially with part of our income being from my self-employment. My point is that is was a major source of financial peace to me this past year. I understand that part of the point of keeping only $1000 on hand is to light a fire under your ass so that you take care of your debt as soon as possible. But I have seen plenty of other years in my life when having only $1000 (or far less) in savings simply got us into more debt, not less. Life is not going to hold up a giant umbrella for us while we work through this. How do I trust that it is safe to write this check?
I will attempt to answer my own question, though I welcome any suggestions from anyone else who might happen upon this as well. I think what is most different about it this time is that out zero dollar budget has shown that, at least for now, even during tight months with my business, our income is still more than our non-discretionary expenses. It may seem like there is never enough money, but there is. We just overspend sometimes when things are good and then have to catch up, so it doesn't feel that way. To help curb this bad habit of ours, we have opened a second checking account that we are using for discretionary expenses and transferring only as much money into it as we allotted to ourselves. Ultimately, we alone are in charge of whether or not we use our money only in the way we have assigned it. We will have to be honest with ourselves about whether or not the activation fees for our new iPhone contracts are going to make it hard to buy diapers when we need them. We are going to have to adjust to a lot less fun money. But the numbers don't lie. The money is there. We just need to spend it correctly.
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